4 Oral Pain Management Tips

Posted on: 28 January 2020

When you have pain in your mouth, it can be difficult to work out what the cause is and decide what you should do about it. Follow these tips to identify the right course of action to manage the pain and address the underlying problem.

1. Schedule an Emergency Dental Appointment

The longer you ignore oral pain, the more likely it is to develop into a serious infection. When oral pain starts to interfere with your ability to eat, sleep or focus, you should schedule an appointment with an emergency dentistry service right away.

2. Use Appropriate Pain Relief

Once your emergency dental appointment is in place, you can use pain relief medications to reduce the discomfort you feel. However, it is important to choose the right type of pain relief. Aspirin is a poor choice for treating oral pain as it reduces the ability of your blood to clot, which means you are more likely to experience excessive bleeding if the dentist carries out a tooth extraction or other dental procedure.

Paracetamol is a safe choice for oral pain. This medication is suitable for most people to take, although you should ask a pharmacist for advice if you have a medical condition or take other medication that could interact with paracetamol. Be sure to stick to the dose recommended on the packaging, as overdose can be very harmful to your health.

3. Don't Touch the Sore Spot

When a part of your mouth is sore, it is tempting to prod and poke around to try to work out where the pain is coming from. However, putting your fingers in your mouth introduces bacteria and could lead to you developing a serious infection. If you must use your hands to explore the sore spot, be sure to wash them first with soap and water. Try to keep touching to a minimum to avoid making the tenderness worse.

4. Use Ice Packs Safely

Ice is a natural remedy for all kinds of pain. You can help reduce the sensitivity by cooling down the area of your face that feels swollen or painful. However, it is important not to apply ice for too long or you could risk damaging your skin. Instead, apply an ice pack to the side of your face that hurts for a short time. Do not use the ice pack while sleeping or put the ice directly inside your mouth.
